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Outfit of the Day
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Teaching corporate women how to navigate the business world and achieve career success with professional, personality-packed wardrobe solutions.

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It’s time to shatter the glass ceiling hindering you from the life and career you deserve…

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You’re an ambitious businesswoman with the degrees, training, and experience to support your immense knowledge and talent. On any given day, you’re sharing your expertise and helping boost the company’s bottom line with your in-demand skills, yet you haven’t achieved the level of success you so desperately want and deserve for yourself. In fact, you feel stagnant in your career. 


You watch as colleagues less qualified than you get promoted and celebrated while you and your hard work disappear into the background - time and time again.


What would it mean if you could…


â–¶ Kickstart each day knowing you don’t have to stress about what to wear.

â–¶ Shift the energy in the room simply by showing up.

â–¶ Present yourself as a leader while making the best first impression.

â–¶ Translate your expertise into self-assured communication, even in male-dominated industries.

â–¶ Ditch the insecurities and doubts while stepping up your executive power and presence.


This could be your reality. It all begins with your wardrobe!

It’s no coincidence that the power suit exudes the perfect type of ‘power.’ Attached to it are the business acumen, professionalism, leadership, and confidence that screams respect. 

It’s possible to match your wardrobe to the career you desire. You can have a wardrobe with your signature style that aligns with your personality, and you can certainly position yourself for the next opportunity while looking the part.


"Studies have shown that wearing [the right] clothes in the office can affect the way people perceive you, how confident you're feeling, and even how you're able to think abstractly."

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Hi, I’m Stacey - Professional Image Consultant!

I specialize in style assessment, wardrobe management, and interior design services for professional women in business just like you. 


You're in the right place if you’ve ever been undervalued, underestimated, or overlooked for better roles and opportunities as a woman working in a corporate or a male-dominated industry. 


As a woman in business, I know the challenges of maneuvering and excelling in corporate all too well. I also understand why you pushed your image aside to solely focus on your expertise. It may have been that you were embarrassed to seek help, had little time, or felt your image shouldn’t overshadow your knowledge or dictate your career trajectory. I’ve been there, and that’s why I do the work I do. 


Through Uncover U, I teach dressing techniques that amplify your confidence, empower you to take charge of your career path, and get you paid for the value you bring to the table! I also offer transformative interior design services to help you create functional, organized, and beautiful spaces throughout your home. My practical and expert-level solutions fill those critical gaps in your life.

So, no more second-guessing your knowledge and expertise. Let me show you how to leverage your wardrobe as a powerful tool to get what you want out of your career!

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Stacey helped me identify that fashion is a vehicle of self-expression and that each person has their own individual style. Their style could be classic, bold, feminine, or a more relaxed, artistic bohemian style. Once an individual's style is identified, I am better able to match and create the type of jewelry that compliments their body and their personality and is something they truly enjoy wearing.

Stacey also helped me to see that having the proper support and foundational garments is just as important as (especially for plus-size women) the external garments a person wears.

- Denise, Jewelry Designer

Image Consulting & Interior Design Services

Create the allure you desire in the workplace and your home.

Well Organized Closet

For You

Establish an authoritative image and presence that gives you permission to operate as the expert and leader you are while exuding undeniable confidence.

For Your Space

Just as the clothes you wear impact your mood, so does your environment. Improve the functionality and aesthetic of your space to achieve more peace and productivity.

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I was very happy to take part in Stacey’s workshop. I walked away with some very helpful tips. One tip was to identify my personal style, which I learned is a hybrid. This information helped me understand I don't have to be dedicated to one style type. 


I also learned the most important factor is dressing to accentuate my body type, which further boosts my confidence. I would love to participate in future sessions with Stacey. I found the space to be very welcoming for an open and diverse dialogue!

- Kim, Realtor

Do you ever wonder why some women are more stylish than others?

It’s no secret; it’s because they’ve identified their style and personality. Discover yours today and leverage the power of your unique style!

Michigan-based Image Consultant & Interior Designer

In-person or virtual services available.

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